The QTEL approach to professional development is discipline specific and informed by the most current research findings. Constructed around sociocultural theory and practices, the QTEL approach is one in which participants experientially engage in learning through disciplinary specific lesson exemplars while simultaneously connecting that practice to theory through scholarly readings and discussion. These institutes are conducted on-site at school campuses and district offices. Our annual summer institute in San Francisco offers a variety of disciplinary topics with participants from all over the nation.
In these institutes, participants will learn to:
Understand the five QTEL principles and the shifts in instruction required to successfully implement them
– Sustain Academic Rigor
– Hold High Expectations
– Engage Students in Quality Interactions
– Sustain a Language Focus
– Develop Quality Curriculum
Develop skills in implementing six types of scaffolding: modeling, bridging, schema building, contextualization, text re-presentation, and metacognitive development
Design lessons that draw on the rich experiences and background knowledge ELs bring with them to the classroom
Design lessons that allow students to access academically rigorous texts and concepts while simultaneously accelerating language acquisition
Develop teacher expertise through the QTEL process of leadership while ensuring high quality instruction
In these institutes, participants will experience:
Three to five day, intensive institutes that are tailored to specific disciplines, student needs, student groups, or educator roles - Foundational (Building the Base), disciplinary (ELA, math, science, social studies), leadership, coaching, Spanish literacy, Newcomer/Beginner, elementary and secondary level.
Engaging lessons and tasks that give educators a student’s perspective while analyzing relevant, scholarly readings and taking part in deep discussions that connect theory and practice.
Collaborative and individual curriculum planning sessions that put new knowledge into action by producing products such as lesson plans that are ready for immediate classroom implementation.