Invest in building deep educator expertise to teach English Learners through six intensive cycles of professional learning. Our workshops, individualized coaching, and collaborative lesson inquiry cycles offer educators meaningful choices to connect theory with practice in challenging and supporting English Learners. Educators build their individual and collective capacity to design and implement ambitious learning opportunities guided by practice.
Ambitious Mathematics Learning for English Learners: We help teachers realize English Learners’ immense potential to be full participants in math learning and accelerate their achievement.
Tailored, Just-in-Time Supports for Professional Learning: Teachers engage in professional learning that amplifies local instructional materials to improve student learning opportunities.
Building Collective Capacity and Collaboration: By co-creating and refining quality lessons, teachers develop shared understandings and approaches to collectively advance teaching practice.
Three days of pull-out professional learning institutes
Individualized coaching cycles (over three days in person)
Planning for Ambitious Learning: Identifying conceptual understandings, analytic practices, and language to achieve through quality lesson design.
Observation with a Principled Lens: Focused on a key Principle, such as quality peer interactions, an expert coach captures student talk and thinking.
Debriefing/Planning for Future Practice: Teachers reflect to understand what worked for whom, and why, and under what conditions to inform future action.
Collaborative lesson inquiry cycles (over two days in person)
Planning Collaboratively: Working together, a team of four to eight teachers creates a complete lesson with all materials necessary for classroom implementation.
Observation with a Principled Lens: As some participants teach, others observe using a lens such as quality interactions for talk.
Refinement and Iteration: Focusing on evidence from observations, the team of teachers refines the lesson for implementation with another group of students. The final product is a polished lesson plan with evidence of student talk and thinking collected from cycles.
These elements can be combined into six cycles:
three cycles of pull-out plus individualized coaching, and
three collaborative lesson inquiry cycles